Juniper Men's Club is currently about 75 members strong. Most of the members have full membership at Juniper, although a few will pay greens fees on their day of play. All club members have a GHIN handicap. Since we have handicaps ranging from single digits to the mid-thirties, most of our games are net games. When we play a scramble or some other fun format, we try to balance the groups based on handicap. We make at least half of our games result in a score you can post. If you do not already have a GHIN handicap, check with our Pro Shop on how to secure one.
Dues for the club are currently $40.00 for the calendar year, even though our official season runs from April through October. This includes our closing dinner and opening event breakfast.
Currently, we are playing as a group twice a week – Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We use Golf Genius software to create that day's pairings and to sign-up. The tee sheet for Tuesday is typically sent out on Sunday evening, and for the Thursday game, on Tuesday evening. Tuesday games are usually $3.00, with the payout in cash at the end of the round. The Thursday game is usually $5.00; during the season, we track the payouts to the end of the year, then pay in cash at our closing dinner. Many of our members also play on Monday and Friday, arranging their own group and tee times.
The club also participates in "home-and-home" tournaments with a few area clubs. Currently, we play Eagle Crest and Sunriver. The club also has a sign-up match play tournament which starts in mid-summer.